With more people having to work from home these days, it is important to have a designated work space. There is no doubt that being home can cause more distractions, making it harder to stay focused and motivated. It is therefore important to create a space that keeps you inspired. Pick a location in your home that is not in the normal flow of traffic in your home. It should be quiet, with natural light and preferable a view! Here are some additional tips for making the space work for you:
- Pick an energizing paint color or wall paper
- Use practical furniture- big furniture can make the space feel crowded, just get what you need
- Invest in a great chair that is ergonomically correct
- Use space efficiently – you can create storage and organization both horizontally and vertically
- Choose décor items that will keep you engaged, not distracted
- Keep the area clean and free of clutter
- Master your technology – keep cords organized and out of view
- Use good lighting – have different brightness settings for different situations (weather/ time of day)
- Inspire yourself – Hang art that motivates or pictures that remind you of your “big why”
Your home office is definitely worth a little investment to make sure it is a space you enjoy being in and will be able to maximize production while you work.